We are an innovative company offering unique, new-generation telemedicine and AR solutions. Continual creation of new innovations is made possible by the engagement and passion of the firm’s scientific personnel. The computer scientists, programmers, engineers and managers of MedApp create a team capable of competing confidently with its peers.

Thanks to numerous appearances at scientific and industry conferences in Poland and abroad, including the United States and Asia, we have built our position as experts in the telemedicine and AR sectors. Our listing on the NewConnect market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange provides additional credibility to our initiatives. It not only gives us access to capital, but also provides us with a market valuation.

We are currently looking for BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL ENGINEER with biomedical processing skills. Our CarnaLife System helps large medical companies, such as Johnson and Johnson, with screening patients for chronic diseases, such as arrhytmias. The role will focus on creating, refining, and validating algorithms for processing ECG and other biomedical signals to push the frontier of telemedical healthcare.






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